
Global Press Journal aims for 100 percent accuracy in every story. We rely on readers around the world to highlight any inaccuracies they might find, in local language or in English.

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All corrections are noted at the bottom of the article and compiled in a corrections archive, found below. Effective in 2017, Global Press Journal will also note all dates and times that an article was refiled to update pertinent information, or even to correct a typo.


Corrections Archive 


Feb. 17, 2025: Why Working Abroad Has Sparked a Kidney Failure Crisis in Nepal

This article has been updated to accurately reflect the equivalent of 10,000 Nepali rupees in US dollars. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

Nov. 20, 2024: In Argentina, Access to Water, Electricity Defunded for Low-Income Areas

This article has been updated to reflect a recent court ruling in favor of the barrios populares. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

March 5, 2024: Driving Cargo Trucks in Zimbabwe Is Dangerous and Difficult. This Woman Is Doing It Anyway.

An earlier version of this article misspelled Sarudzai Mukungunurwa’s name. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

Feb. 26, 2024: Once ‘Masters of the Forest,’ DRC’s Pygmy Community Is Being Forced Out of National Park

This article has been updated to correct a reference to North Kivu, which was previously misidentified. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

Feb. 16, 2024: Vicarious Violence: The Insidious Crime That Affects Thousands of Families in Mexico

An earlier version of this article misstated that the reforms to the General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence and the federal criminal and civil codes had not gone into effect. The reforms were published in the nation’s official gazette and became effective in January. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

Feb. 13, 2024: Where Will They Play? Uganda’s Capital Struggles to Retain Increasingly Rare Open Spaces

An earlier version of this article misspelled the names of Lester Kaganzi and Kaganzi and Company Advocates. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

Oct. 18, 2023: What’s That Stench? Something Stinks in One of Mexico’s Tourist Paradises

An earlier version of a caption in this article misidentified the tank that supplies drinking water to the town. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

March 23, 2023: Rural Outposts Bring Resources, Hope to Women in Abusive Marriages

An earlier version of a caption in this article misidentified the photographed building. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

Aug. 29, 2022: Inside the Revival of Pulque, One of Mexico’s Oldest Drinks

An earlier version of this article misstated Jessica Vázquez Reyna’s age. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

Aug. 15, 2022: Music and Drama Theater Performs Musical at Mongolian Festival

An earlier version of this caption misidentified the name of the photographed subject. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

July 21, 2022: As Bread Prices Soar, Many Forgo Key Part of Diet

This article has been updated to correct references to amakhomane, a locally-grown vegetable, which was previously misidentified as pigeon peas. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

July 5, 2022: Expanded Procedures Take Aim at Liver Cancer Scourge

This article has been updated to remove a comment that was incorrectly attributed to Tuvshin Bayasgalan. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

June 15, 2022: First Milk Bank Fights Stigma and Infant Mortality

This story has been updated to correct the name of Alyssa Taha’s birth defect and remove the reference to her death by starvation. After publication, Global Press Journal learned that an autopsy wasn’t performed to confirm the cause of death. Global Press Journal regrets the errors.

May 14, 2022: Mexican Mezcal Workshop Focuses on Sustainability

An earlier version of this feature photo’s caption misidentified the name of the photographed subject. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

March 29, 2022: ‘Nothing Has Changed’: Facing a Perpetual State of Emergency

This article has been updated to reflect the correct location of the village of Kirumba referred to in the map. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

Cet article a été mis à jour pour tenir compte de la situation géographique exacte du village de Kirumba qui est mentionné sur la carte. Global Press Journal présente ses regrets pour cette erreur.

January 30, 2022: A Homemade Remedy for Menstruation Stigma

This article has been updated to correct the length of time a sanitary pad made at the workshop can last. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

January 10, 2022: Women Help Fuel Region’s Solar Energy Revolution

Una versión anterior de esta historia en español identificó erróneamente el cargo de Loraima Jaramillo. Jaramillo es gerente de programas del Consejo Interestatal de Energía Renovable y el Acelerador de Empresas de Energía Solar de Puerto Rico. Global Press Journal lamenta el error.

December 28, 2021: Pandemic Exacerbates Hardships for Older Adults

An earlier version of this story misidentified Mara Vicencio’s title. She was general director of the Guerrerense Institute for Comprehensive Care of the Elderly at the time of the interview, but stepped down before the article ran. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

December 14, 2021: Year in Photos: How We’ve Coped

An earlier version of this story misidentified the location of the Congregants of Johane the Fifth of Africa Apostolic Church. Participants are in Mutare, Zimbabwe. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

August 30, 2021: Pandemic Tests Government’s Pledge to Combat Hunger

An earlier version of this story misidentified Daniel Arroyo’s title. He was minister of Social Development at the time of the interview, but stepped down shortly before the article ran. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

April 26, 2021: A New Front in the Fight for Reproductive Rights

This story has been updated to correctly identify Alicia Albano. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

February 12, 2021: Coronavirus Claims an Unexpected Victim: Newspapers

This story has been updated to correct a misidentification. The piece features two sources named David Lumu. David Lumu, who wrote the African Centre for Media Excellence essay, is a journalist with New Vision. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

July 11, 2020: Uganda Has Plenty of Electricity – But Most Households Remain Powerless

This story has been updated to correct a comment from the Ministry of energy. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

June 8, 2020: Self-Quarantine: Ponnaveli Village, Population One

This story has been updated to correct an inaccurate reference to Sri Lanka’s population. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

May 5, 2020: Cross-Border Trading in Zimbabwe Becomes Casualty of Coronavirus

This story has been updated to include the correct names of two photographed subjects. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

April 28, 2020: As Coronavirus Bears Down, Zimbabwe’s HIV Crisis Worsens

An earlier version of this story included an image that was incorrectly published. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

March 23, 2020: In Mongolia, Yak Wool Is the New Cashmere

An earlier version of this caption misidentified the name of the source in the first image. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

March 16, 2020: Sri Lankan Men Build New Houses

An earlier version of this caption misstated Sahayanathan Punitharasa’s payment.

January 5, 2020: Delayed Paychecks Leave DRC Miners Scrambling For Options

This story has been updated to remove an inaccurate reference to U.S.-China trade negotiations. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

December 3, 2019: When Police Response is Too Slow, Ugandan Motorcycle Taxi Drivers Administer Justice Themselves

This story was updated to correctly identify Fred Enanga. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

December 2, 2019: In DRC, Unlicensed Nurses Make House Calls For Cheap

This story has been updated to correctly identify Dr. Rodrigue Abedi. Global Press Journal regrets This error.

October 20,2019: New Developments in Popular Puerto Rican Tourist Destination Overwhelm Sewer Infrastructure, Threaten Endangered Coral Reefs

An earlier version of this story incorrectly referenced a water study and the density of fecal bacteria in coastal waters fit for recreational use. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

September 25, 2019: For the Love of Bees: How a Mexican Group Teamed Up with Authorities to Save Bee Populations

An earlier version of this story included an inaccurate description of Africanized bees. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

August 6, 2019: In Uganda’s Karamoja Region, Kids Graze Cattle and Attend School at the Same Time

This story has been updated to reflect the correct photo credits.

July 10, 2019: ‘Not For the Faint-Hearted’: Women in Zimbabwe’s Mining Industry

An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated the proportion of women miners in Zimbabwe. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

May 13, 2019: When the U.S. Pulls the Funding Plug, How Do Reproductive Health Providers Proceed?

This story has been corrected to accurately reflect the conversion between Canadian and U.S. dollars and to state the correct currency raised by SheDecides.

March 19, 2019: ‘Imagining Colorful Lines’ – Mexican Football Player with Visual Impairment Finds New Future in His Sport

This story has been updated to identify the correct game being played in the video. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

January 18, 2019: What Happens When the Internet is Out, and the Government is to Blame?

An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated DRC’s internet situation at the time of publication.

November 1, 2018: Uganda’s Comfort Dog Project Heals Trauma Through Therapy, Canine Companionship

An earlier version of the story misidentified the names of two photographed subjects. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

September 24, 2018: Soaring Rents, High Demand Pushing out Many Buenos Aires Tenants

Una versión anterior de la versión en español de esta historia contenía algunos pies de foto errados. Global Press Journal lamenta este error.

September 21, 2018: Their Coffee is World-Class, but DRC Farmers Say Growing It Doesn’t Pay

This story has been updated to include the correct name of the Minister of Agriculture for North Kivu province. His name is Christophe Ndibeshye. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

August 26, 2018: Abandoned Homes, Fearful Children: Forced Displacements Are Common in Southern Mexico

An earlier version of this story misidentified the location where Antonia López Girón died. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

August 10, 2018: In Nepal, Age Change in Government Health Benefit Sparks Debate

सच्याइएको : यसअघि यस रिपोर्टमा प्रकाशित भरतराज शर्माको पद फरक परेकोले सच्याइएको छ । गल्तीको लागि ग्लोबल प्रेस जर्नल क्षमाप्रार्थी छ ।

July 21, 2018: Mexican NGO Finds Recipe to Increase Rural Water Access and Create Local Jobs

An earlier version of this Spanish language story misidentified the year Alternativas was founded. Global Press Journal regrets the error.

May 27, 2018: Their Coffee is World-Class, but DRC Farmers Say Growing It Doesn’t Pay

The price of coffee per pound noted in this story was updated due to a mathematical error in the original story version.

April 9, 2018: Knowledge of Mandarin Chinese Opens Doors for Zimbabwe’s Young Job Seekers

An earlier version of this story misspelled Tawanda Zimhindo’s name. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

March 9, 2018: Tree Nurseries Pay School Fees and Battle Deforestation in Zimbabwe

An earlier version of this story misidentified the surname of Augustine Mukaro. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

March 9, 2018: Breaking With Tradition, Zimbabwean Women Perform on the Mbira

An earlier version of this story did not identify Tendai Chimombe as a photographed subject. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

February 10, 2018: In Haiti, Solar Panels Key Part of Plan to Bring Electric Power to Remote Areas

An earlier version of this story misidentified the location of Bassin Bleu. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

November 25, 2017: Dancing at a Pride Parade in Argentina

An earlier version of this caption misidentified the name of the photographed subject. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

August 18, 2017: For Female Recyclers in Argentina’s Capital, Local Woman Creates New Job as “Environmental Promoters”

An earlier version of this story incorrectly stated the pay recyclers receive per kilo of cardboard collected. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

July 3, 2017: Refugees from Violence in Myanmar Face Threats in Northern India

This story has been updated to correct an error in the headline. The photo captions in this story have been updated to accurately characterize the status of Jammu, India, which was stated incorrectly in the original version.  Global Press Journal regrets this error.

May 29, 2017: Fearing Human Sacrifice, Parents Hope to Protect Children with Piercing and Body Modifications

An earlier version of this article misstated the reporter’s country of origin. Nakisanze Segawa is based in Uganda. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

May 12, 2017: 10 Years After War’s End, Nepalese Demand Justice for Human Rights Abuses

Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly reported Maina Sunuwar’s age at the time of her abduction. She was 14 years old at the time. Her body was found three years later. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

May 8, 2017: Inside the Story: Nepal: “I saw children carrying stacks of bricks almost bigger than themselves.”

Correction: An earlier version of this blog misstated Rita Tamang’s age. She is 6 years old, not 5 years old. The blog has been updated. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

April 26, 2017: New Foundation and Support Group Created for Widows in Nigeria

Correction: An earlier version of this article misspelled Folasade Johnson’s name in the lead caption. The article has been updated. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

April 10, 2017: Somali Christians, Facing Persecution, Hang On to Hope for Sanctuary in the U.S.

Correction: An earlier version of this story misidentified the nationality of a source. Iftin Aden is Kenyan, not Somali. The story has been updated. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

February 19, 2017: DRC Students Drop Out as Parents Struggle to Pay Rising Required Teachers’ Bonuses

Correction: Two captions in this story contained inaccurate dates. Captions should have referenced October 2016, not October 2017. The article has been updated. Global Press Journal regrets these errors.

September 26, 2016: Nepalese Migrant Workers in Qatar Torn Over Coming Home After Quake

Correction: The original version of this story misstated the number of Dhurba B.K.’s children. The article has been updated. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

April 21, 2016: Riots Spread Through Lusaka After Six Die In Suspected Ritual Killings

Correction: The original version of this article incorrectly referred to Davies Mwila as the inister of Home Affairs, rather than the Minister of Home Affairs. The article has been updated. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

March 1, 2016: Zambian Women, Seeking Basic Literacy And Better Jobs, Return to School

Correction: The number of women who have completed secondary school or higher was incorrect in the original version of this story. This story has been updated to include the correct number. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

October 20, 2015: Shelters for Battered Females Are Scarce in Kenya, But One Woman’s Group Works to ‘Rescue a Sister’

Retraction: This story was removed from our site after serious questions were raised about the facts originally presented by local sources. On Mon., Oct. 26 Global Press Journal began an in-depth investigation into the ownership and legal status of a domestic violence shelter originally featured in this story after an online group in Kenya suggested the lead source misrepresented herself as the owner. In the two weeks since our investigation began, none of the original sources in this story, nor the people questioning the veracity of the original source’s claims, have been able to provide proof of ownership of the shelter. A search was conducted on Fri., Oct. 30 at the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services, where such organizations are generally registered. The clerk conducting the search said that no organizations, domestic violence shelters or otherwise, were listed by the name originally provided to Global Press Journal. The ownership of the shelter featured in this original story, as well as that shelter’s legal status, remain unclear. The investigation is ongoing. The article has been replaced with an in-depth blog about how the error occurred and how we are re-doubling efforts to ensure nothing like this happens again. Global Press Journal deeply regrets this error.

June 19, 2013: Household Dynamics Change in Nepal as More Women Work Abroad

Correction: The original version of this article, published June 20, incorrectly referenced Bir Bahadur Harijan as Bahadur Harijan. The story has been updated. Global Press Journal regrets this error.

June 26, 2013: Kenya’s Wildlife Bill Mitigates Tension Between Herders and Conservationists 

Correction: The original version of this article, published June 26, contained a quote from a Nairobi National Park representative that incorrectly named the Kenya Wildlife Trust and Friends of Nairobi National Park as donors of consolation funds to the Kenya Wildlife Service. The Kenya Wildlife Trust does not support compensation or consolation schemes. The article has been update Global Press Journal regrets this error.