
Best of 2016

In 2016, Global Press celebrated 10 years of training and employing journalists around the world. Our commitment to in-depth, accurate and powerful storytelling was on display this year as reporters and editors worked hard to produce more stories than ever before. Reporters innovated upon traditional forms of news reporting to produce some of the most creative, sophisticated and important stories in our history. The Best of 2016 list includes beautiful images, ground-breaking investigations and captivating stories of human experience around the world. First-place and runner-up winners were chosen by the Global Press Journal executive editorial team, reporters and you, our global readers.

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Best of 2016

Design by Kyana Moghadam, GPJ

Publication Date

Best Feature Photo

Global Press Journal reporters around the world publish feature photos to give readers glimpses of life in their communities.


Best Photojournalism, Reporting

Trash Scavengers in Zambia Worry They’ll Be Barred From Dump Site
By Prudence Phiri, GPJ Zambia

Runner Up:
Nepalese Mourn Religious, Cultural Sites Damaged and Destroyed in 2015 Earthquake
By Shilu Manandhar, GPJ Nepal



Best Multimedia Presentation

Funeral Ritual of South India Tribe Brings Members Together, Keeps Traditions Alive
By Sahana David Menon, GPJ India

Runner Up:
INTERACTIVE MAP: Mexican Villages Brace Against Mining Companies
By Mayela Sánchez and Mar García GPJ Mexico

Best Enterprise Reporting

Nepalese Migrant Workers Stranded, Duped in Qatar Due to Shady Practices, Lax Laws
By Shilu Manandhar and Yam Kumari Kandel, GPJ Nepal

Runner Up:
Sanitary Pads for Refugees in Uganda Pulled Due to Quality Concerns
By Edna Namara, GPJ Uganda



Best Local News Reporting

Zambian Women Practice Dry Sex to Avoid Accusations of Infidelity
Prudence Phiri, GPJ Zambia

Runner Up:
Lawsuits Spotlight Forced Sterilization of Women with HIV in East African Countries
By Lydia Matata, GPJ Kenya and Apophia Agiresaasi, GPJ Uganda


Best Feature Storytelling

For Female Mayors in Guatemala, Facing Discrimination is Part of the Job
Brenda Leticia Saloj Chiyal and Norma Baján Balán, GPJ Guatemala

Runner Up:
Local Brewer with Albinism Erodes Stigma with Unforgettable Beer
By Merveille Kavira Luneghe, GPJ DRC





Best Special Report

Global Extractive Industries
Reporting by: Noella Nyirabihogo, GPJ DRC, Merveille Kavira Luneghe, GPJ DRC, Esther Nsapu, GPJ DRC, Mayela Sánchez, GPJ Mexico, Mar García GPJ Mexico, Nakisanze Segawa, GPJ Uganda, Nirasha Piyawadani, GPJ Sri Lanka, Lilian Odhiambo, GPJ Kenya, Prudence Phiri, GPJ Zambia

Runner Up:
Abused or Ignored: Globally, LGBT People Struggle for Their Rights
Reporting by: Apophia Agiresaasi, GPJ Uganda, Prudence Phiri, GPJ Zambia, Mayela Sánchez, GPJ Mexico, Yam Kumari Kandel, GPJ Nepal, Edna Namara, GPJ Uganda, Nirasha Piyawadani, GPJ Sri Lanka, Shilu Manandahar, GPJ Nepal

Most Online Social Engagement

Female Students Claim Discrimination Over Short Hair Policies at Some Uganda Schools
By Nakisanze Segawa, GPJ Uganda

Best Reporter Blog

Democratic Republic of Congo: “They are pieces of cloth that can be crumpled at anyone’s will.”
By Merveille Kavira Luneghe, GPJ DRC

Runner Up:
Zambia: “I Had No Idea Such People Existed”
Prudence Phiri, GPJ Zambia



Best Editor Blog

First Place:The Problem with Statistics
Wairimu Michengi, Regional Editor

Runner Up:
When Reporting on Violence, Headlines Can Enflame Tense SituationsKrista Kapralos, GPJ Enterprise Editor