Zimbabwe, Africa
Perkins Nyamayaro feeds roadrunner chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls in Domboshava, Zimbabwe. Nyamayaro, who raises free-range poultry to sell, has more than 80 birds.

Perkins Nyamayaro feeds roadrunner chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls in Domboshava, Zimbabwe. Nyamayaro, who raises free-range poultry to sell, has more than 80 birds.
Perkins Nyamayaro feeds roadrunner chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls in Domboshava, Zimbabwe. Nyamayaro, who raises free-range poultry to sell, has more than 80 birds.
Perkins Nyamayaro feeds roadrunner chickens, turkeys and guinea fowls in Domboshava, Zimbabwe. Nyamayaro, who raises free-range poultry to sell, has more than 80 birds.