
World Circus Day Entertains, Empowers in Kenya

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World Circus Day Entertains, Empowers in Kenya

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NAIROBI, KENYA – The weather may have been gloomy on Saturday, but World Circus Day brought vibrant colors and energetic acts to Nairobi, Kenya’s capital.

From acrobats to jugglers, a range of artists performed on April 21 in celebration of the third annual World Circus Day. The crowd-riveting acts came from local performing arts institutions such as Sarakasi Trust and Mighty Jambo Trust.

“The world needs to know that we also have a circus in Kenya,” says John Washika, co-founder of Sarakasi Trust.

Beyond entertainment, these organizations see the performing arts as a path to development and empowerment. Sarakasi Trust strives to use culture as a development tool in order to eradicate poverty. Mighty Jambo Trust works to empower youth, women and men by giving them the tools to express themselves through art.