
Advocates Cite Crisis of Values as Public Spaces Deteriorate in Buenos Aires

Deterioration of public spaces, ranging from broken sidewalks to exposed electrical wires, inconvenience and endanger citizens in Buenos Aires.

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Advocates Cite Crisis of Values as Public Spaces Deteriorate in Buenos Aires

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BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA – Susana Gómez takes her 4-year-old to nursery school every weekday morning in San Telmo, one of the the oldest neighborhoods in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital. But she says the walk is never easy because of the broken sidewalks and hazardous public repairs.

“It’s terrible,” she says.

One misstep on the broken sidewalks can lead to a twisted foot.

“When I don’t trip, my son does,” she says, “and so we go these seven blocks falling down and getting up.”

She also pushes her baby, who is less than 1 year old, in a stroller. But she says that the broken sidewalks have forced the little wheels to come off several times.

The only alternative is taking a longer route.

Gómez says that the poorly maintained public spaces are not only inconvenient, but they also threaten the safety of her children. She recounts one humid winter morning when she was walking her son to school.

“We were about to cross a stoplight, and my 4-year-old son was leaning on a wall that had a tape that said ‘DANGER,’” she says. “I took him away from there, and there were sparks.”

She says they left the area, where the situation worsened.

“That same day, there was an explosion,” she says, “but I don’t know if it was from electricity or from gas or from what.”

She says it made her fear for her children’s safety during their walks to school.

“It scared me a lot,” she says.

The deterioriation of public spaces in Buenos Aires exposes a lack of coordination among citizens, services companies and the government. The government and service companies are working together to improve maintenance, but the city ombudsman says that the government needs to increase its initiative and regulations. A recent death has escalated concerns. City officials say citizens must also take responsibility for respecting the public space, citing a crisis of values in the capital and nationwide.

The Buenos Aires metropolis spans some 200 square kilometers (80 square miles), says Diego Santilli, the city’s minister of environment and public space. Three million people live here, while another 3.2 million people come into the city every day from the suburbs.

Diego Mielnicki is the chief of urban affairs, spaces and public services for the Defensoría del Pueblo, the autonomous ombudsman established by city law to receive complaints from citizens about violations of their rights. Mielnicki defines the public space as the area that belongs to the citizens, including sidewalks, streets, highways, plazas and monuments.

“The Defensoría del Pueblo observes the deterioriation in the area of the public spaces,” he says, “broken sidewalks, signs that indicate [an] electric current near a nursery school or a center for the blind.”

One of the most common issues cited is the city’s broken sidewalks. Mielnicki says that the responsiblity for repairing them falls to the owner of the property, the government or the service business that opened it, depending on the case.

“In principle, the responsibility of the maintenance and conservation of the sidewalks belongs to the street-level owner when the damages are caused by the normal passage of time,” he says. “The government of the city takes charge of the repair of the sidewalks when these are damaged by the execution of public works.”

When service companies, like electric, water or gas providers, open the sidewalks to perform work, the repairs fall to them.

Santilli of the Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público says that service companies open 6,000 sidewalks or streets every month in the city and may fail to repair them. In these cases, the government intervenes.

Santilli says that his ministry recently imposed a fine of 100 million pesos ($20.3 million) on Compañía Sudamericana de Gas for neglecting to repair sidewalks it had opened during its work for the gas service provider MetroGAS.

Lucas Portela Lacanette, Santilli’s secretary, says the ministry withheld a portion of the company’s accounts in order to pay this fine.

Carlos Franch, who works for Compañía Sudamericana de Gas but declined to state his position, says the issue has been resolved.

“It’s a closed matter,” he says. “It was all cleared up.”

Franch says that the company and city authorities have agreed on new operating procedures for the company to avoid inconveniencing citizens when it opens sidewalks to perform its work.

The Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público is also implementing new methods to track maintenance needs around the city. Santilli says that four cars with cameras photograph and film around Buenos Aires to detect and document these areas.

“I watch it every 15 days,” he says of the film.

Soon, there will be a system that can automatically log maintenance needs and alert officials in order to streamline the process, Santilli says.

“We are preparing a system so that this is online,” he says, “so that I don’t have to go look for the pothole, but that it appears in the system that it’s that pothole.”

But Mielnicki says the government needs to do more.

He criticizes the government for contracting maintenance work out to a third party. For example, private companies are in charge of maintaining parks, gardens and stoplights.

“The government of the city itself almost doesn’t do anything,” Mielnicki says. “The private companies that have direct contracts with the government provide all the services.”

Rather than serving the public good, these companies prioritize their own bottom lines, Mielnicki says. They skimp on quality when it comes to materials and employees in order to save money.

He says the government fails in its obligation to regulate these companies.

The Defensoría del Pueblo has also been critical of the previous and current city government administrations based on the complaints it receives from citizens, he says.

“We observe and we report certain unscrupulousness and neglect on behalf of the organs of the government regarding the public space,” he says.

Mielnicki says that tight budgets sometimes influence government decisions, leading officials to opt for cheaper options or avenues that bring political returns.

He says that governments have a bad policy of investing the budget in what they can get credit for during their tenures, rather than what the public needs.

“Sometimes being able to solve a problem can take years, until the time of a government runs out,” he says. “And nobody leaves a work almost finished so that the next administration inaugurates it.”

The lack of maintenance in public spaces not only inconveniences citizens, like in the case of Gómez, but can also be dangerous.

A man died during August 2012 because a marquee fell on him while he was walking through the neighborhood of Tribunales, home of the nation’s judiciary.

Hugo Varela, owner of a newspaper stand in the area, witnessed the event.

“He died because it all came on top of him,” he says. “But it’s an eventuality. That doesn’t always happen.”

Mielnicki says that no one receives severes sanctions for these types of accidents.

“The culprit will not go to prison,” he says. “Nor [receive] a fine.”

He says that this is because victims many times opt for compensation outside court in order to avoid the complicated judicial process.

“The civil trials are long, costly and complicated, difficult to win, and it’s complicated to produce evidence,” Mielnicki says. “Not doing things well or doing them badly ends up being cheaper than what it should end up being. If the penal responsibility of doing things badly had a severe sanction, like jail, it would be different.”

Mielnicki says that local citizens also must take responsibility for the damage because they frequently treat common spaces poorly.

“There is an irresponsibility of the citizens, of everyone in general,” he says.

Santilli says that the lack of maintenance reflects a crisis of values among the public.

“All this is part of an Argentina that has declined in its moral values,” Santilli says. “We are in a crisis of values, where the guy who has to provide the services patches it up with snot and takes off, where the guy who has to do things well, doesn’t do them well. It’s happening on all the levels. The trash collector doesn’t do his work well. The inspectors aren’t so tough. Everything is degenerating.”



Ivonne Jeannot Laens, country editor of the Argentina News Desk, contributed reporting to this article. All interviews were translated from Spanish.