{{ lookupCountryName(currentTooltipCountry) }}
{{ currentTooltipCountry?.stats?.rankingValue }}
{{ currentTooltipCountry?.stats?.rankingPercentage }}%
Click to expand statistics
This map illustrates the landscape of femicide across Latin America and the Caribbean, showing the region's diverse efforts in implementing policies to combat violence against women. Despite having the right policies in place, many countries see their femicide rates stay the same, or even increase.

{{ lookupCountryName(currentCountry) }}

{{ currentCountry?.stats?.rankingValue }}
{{ currentCountry?.stats?.rankingPercentage }}%
Law criminalizing femicide ({{ currentCountry?.stats?.femicideLawYear }})
Is femicide included in the penal code?
Law passed in {{ currentCountry?.stats?.femicideLawYear }}
No Law criminalizing femicide
Is femicide included in the penal code?
Law against domestic violence
Is domestic violence included in the penal code?
No Law against domestic violence
Is domestic violence included in the penal code?
Public database on femicide
Does the government publish up-to-date data on femicides?
No Public database on femicide
Does the government publish up-to-date data on femicides?
Protective measures
restraining orders, child support, etc.
No Protective measures
restraining orders, child support, etc.
Ratified CEDAW
International treaty to eliminate violence against women (1979)
No Ratified CEDAW
International treaty to eliminate violence against women (1979)
Ratified Belém do Pará
Regional treaty to eliminate violence against women (1994)
No Ratified Belém do Pará
Regional treaty to eliminate violence against women (1994)
Conducted survey on violence against women since 2016
Did the government conduct a survey on violence against women in recent years?
Survey conducted in {{ currentCountry?.stats?.surveyYear }}
No survey conducted on violence against women since 2016
Did the government conduct a survey on violence against women in recent years?
{{ currentCountry?.stats?.femicideRate }}
2021 femicide rate
per 100,000 women (2021)
Slight Decrease
No Change
Slight Increase
Sharp Increase
Sharp Decrease
No Data Available
Change in femicide rate from 2017 to 2021
She Survived a Femicide Attempt. Now, She’s Studying Law to Help Other Women in Southern Mexico
In 2009, at age 21, Beatriz Adriana Pérez Encino met her partner, who forced her to stop going to school. Today, a government program is helping the first-generation college student reclaim the education he took from her.
Marissa Revilla, Senior Reporter on November 24, 2023
Read this story in
She Survived a Femicide Attempt. Now, She’s Studying Law to Help Other Women in Southern Mexico

TUXTLA GUTIÉRREZ, MEXICO — Beatriz Adriana Pérez Encino survived a femicide attempt in 2017. Today, six years after the incident, she is preparing to receive her law degree thanks to a government program that allowed her to pursue her university education.

Pérez Encino, who will graduate in December 2024, belongs to the first generation of students who have received support from Centro de Justicia para las Mujeres (CEJUM) — a public agency created in 2011 that provides free comprehensive support to those who have experienced gender-based violence and their children — and Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas to continue their college education. This distance-learning program, which currently serves 111 women, promotes autonomy and access to opportunities in a country where 7 of every 10 women have experienced at least one situation involving violence, according to the 2021 National Survey on Home Relationship Dynamics from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

Rocío García Cadenas, the director of CEJUM, says these centers work to “prevent [gender-based] violence from escalating to femicide while at the same time giving women tools to strengthen their autonomy.” In the same vein, the program aims to both increase awareness of — and reduce — the inequalities that harm women. To this end, CEJUM is helping nearly 8,000 women continue their primary and secondary education.

For Pérez Encino, 35, the opportunity to study law meant pursuing a dream she thought she had lost. Since childhood, she had wanted to be a teacher. However, her family’s difficult financial situation and the prejudice that women should not go to school because they should “care for their husbands” got in her way, she says.

Originally from the village of Emiliano Zapata, in the municipality of Huitiupán, in the state of Chiapas, Pérez Encino speaks Chol, a Mayan language. She came to the state capital of Tuxtla Gutiérrez in 2006 in search of job opportunities and to further her education.

In 2009, at the age of 21, she met the person who would be her partner for eight years and the father of her child. He forced her to stop going to school and, beginning in 2010, when she became pregnant, he prohibited her from leaving the house to work.

“It took a lot of suffering for me to reach my goal of completing high school. It cost me so much, and [he] told me, ‘You’re not going out anymore.’ I stayed. I stopped going to school because I was already in his sexist world,” Pérez Encino says.

As of 2021, 70.1% of women over the age of 15 in Mexico had experienced at least one situation involving violence, according to INEGI, the country’s statistics agency. Psychological violence had the highest prevalence (51.6%) at the national level, followed by sexual violence (49.7%), physical violence (34.7%) and a combination of discrimination and economic and patrimonial violence (27.4%).

Six years ago, after surviving an attempted femicide at the hands of her then-partner, Pérez Encino and her son went to CEJUM in Tuxtla Gutiérrez. There, she received legal assistance and medical and psychological treatment. In 2020, they offered her the opportunity to join the academic training program.

Working toward a law degree has elicited positive changes in Pérez Encino, who says, “I feel more fulfilled. I feel more capable because I know we women are born with abilities. We all have them; they grow with practice.”

She adds, “The basic tool of having in my hands a ‘little book’ about women’s rights and opportunities that are equal to those of men makes me feel empowered because I know what my rights are.”

Pérez Encino will be the first person in her family to earn a university degree, and she is working to ensure more women know their rights by organizing local meetings.

“My sister has been an inspiration to many women in the community,” says Verónica Pérez Encino, 29, who decided to go back to school thanks to her example. “She has supported many women during their processes. I admire her very much because of what she’s done after everything that’s happened to her.”

For Pérez Encino, helping more women to know that they can go to CEJUM has become a personal commitment that will continue after she graduates. “I want to keep doing this,” she says.

On average, 372 women were murdered every month in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2021.

Since this story has been published, X women have been murdered in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Source: Estimate using 2021 data from CEPALSTAT; Puerto Rico Gender Equity Observatory

Marissa Revilla

Senior Reporter

Marissa Revilla is a Global Press Journal reporter based in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Mexico. She was a member of the inaugural class of Global Press reporters in Chiapas in 2006. Marissa specializes in reporting on child rights and conflict in indigenous communities throughout Chiapas.

Marissa Revilla es una reportera de Global Press Journal que vive en San Cristóbal de Las Casas, México. Participó en la clase inaugural de reporteras de Global Press en Chiapas en 2006. Marissa se especializa en las historias sobre los derechos de la infancia y en los conflictos de las comunidades indígenas en Chiapas.

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